Development e-learning platform

Uganda teachers in training by Kentalis

Self-paced e-learning has become more and more a standard component for training programs of Kentalis International Foundation. For that reason, we have decided to make the development of our e-learning platform a top priority for 2022 and 2023. We aim to create a high-quality, easy-to-use, online learning environment for professionals in the Global South working in deaf and hard-of-hearing education and care.  

Why e-learning?

Kentalis International Foundation (K-IF) started its path toward e-learning many years ago. However, the covid-19 pandemic has brought development to the forefront. By digitalizing our core modules, course participants will work more efficiently and faster, and learning will be more sustainable. In addition, we enable more end-users to benefit from the Kentalis knowledge. Think about the ability to follow courses on your smartphone without the use of constant internet. Or to ask a direct question to one of our professionals at Kentalis. K-IF will provide a new way of knowledge distribution, where based on your preferences, online and practical on-location training can be provided into one package, also known as blended learning. 

Accessible e-learning platform

K-IF started this e-learning journey with a thorough analysis of the financial feasibility, defining our target group, and revealing underlying issues that need to be tackled. One of these is internet accessibility: network disruptions or a lack of internet access are common issues in the Global South. For this reason, we aim to create an e-learning environment where modules can be downloaded once, and be used without the need for a constant internet connection. 

Another issue is the current module layout, which is still based on textual knowledge distribution. We plan more interactive learning such as interactive videos, polls, forums, and 360-degree tours. Lastly, K-IF wants to focus on optimizing e-learning to be compatible with a smartphone, since smartphone usage is significantly high in the Global South. 

These observations - and more - are the results of conversations with Kentalis staff as well as partners in Uganda and Zambia. Kentalis International Foundation is taking all this into account, as we are working towards creating an accessible and user-friendly e-learning environment. 

Share your thoughts

Do you have a suggestion for the development of our e-learning platform? What are things you wish Kentalis would implement into a course? We are open to suggestions. Contact us via 

Photos: © 2022 Koninklijke Kentalis - Kentalis International Foundation